Pro-Ject Pick-IT S2 MM Cartridge
The Pick It up S2 is a no nonsense MM phono cartridge that offers a superior audio performance and stunning design.
Key Features
- Moving Magnet principle
- Split pole pins enables frequency responses that compares very well to MC cartridges
- Strong cantilever based in high-end DJ cantilevers
- Suitable for low to medium tonearm masses
- 1/2 inch mounting standard
- High trackability
- Pick it S2 MM should be connected to phono MM inputs
- As with most MM cartridges, stylus may be exchanged
Pro-Ject Pick It S2 MM Phono Cartridge for turntables employs a special elliptical type stylus top which reproduces sound with superb details and expansive imagery. It is a collaborative cartridge developed with the expertise of both Pro-Ject and industry experts Ortofon.
Strong and Beautiful Design
This no nonsense cartridge performs with fascinating musical ability. When attached to a strong cantilever this cartridge remains sturdy whilst sounding great. Not only is this phono cartridge strong, it also looks great as it comes in a minimalist semi-transparent soft grey colour that will go perfectly with most Pro-ject turntables.
Dynamic and Warm Sound
The Pick It S2 MM is designed using a unique blend of technologies such as Ortofon’s acclaimed split pole pins that enable a similar frequency response to MC cartridges. It also delivers an outstanding treble output which provides a warm and deeply dynamic sound.
- Moving Magnet principle
- Split pole pins enables frequency responses that compares very well to MC cartridges
- Strong cantilever based in high-end DJ cantilevers
- Suitable for low to medium tonearm masses
- 1/2 inch mounting standard
- High trackability
- Pick it S2 MM should be connected to phono MM inputs
- As with most MM cartridges, stylus may be exchanged